America’s Got Talent Season 17 Audition

MPLUSPLUS appeared on America’s Got Talent and got 4 YESES from the all judges!
The performance with LED ribbons was a newly created showcase for America’s Got Talent. Please enjoy the show!

Over the course of 12 years since MPLUSPLUS representative Minoru Fujimoto began planning their appearance, various technologies, products, and innovative productions have been developed and incorporated into their performances.

The members who participated in the first performance included representative Minoru Fujimoto, Yuji Shirasu and Kohei Ono (MPLUSPLUS STAGE), Matsuri, KoTa, NATSUKA and Tossi.(MPLUSPLUS DANCERS), Aimi, Izumi Aoki and yellow.BENA(Performer / team ECRiN), Yui (Dancer / Choreographer), Takaya Mitsunaga aka mic(Performing Artist/HYTEK Inc.), making a total of 12 people.

NBC放送のAmerica’s Got Talent(アメリカズ・ゴット・タレント)のシーズン17に出演しました。MPLUSPLUS独自開発のLEDリボンを駆使した幻想的なパフォーマンスを披露すると、会場からは大きな拍手と歓声が上がり、見事審査員4人全員からのYESを獲得することに成功しました。


初戦パフォーマンスメンバーは代表の藤本実に加え、白須祐次・小野耕平(MPLUSPLUS STAGE)、祭・KoTa・NATSUKA・Tossi.(MPLUSPLUS DANCERS)、AIMI・青木 泉|Izumi Aoki・yellow.BENA(Performer / team ECRiN)、YUI(Dancer / Choreographer)・満永隆哉 aka mic(Performing Artist / HYTEK Inc.)の計12名が参加しました。