67th NHK Kohaku Utagassen, Sandaime J Soul Brothers「Welcome to TOKYO」

MPLUSPLUS provided the lighting system for SAMURIZE from EXILE TRIBE and directed lighting for the song “ Welcome to TOKYO” by Sandaime J Soul Brothers at the 67th Kohaku Utagassen,which is a Japanese popular year-end music TV show.

第67回NHK紅白歌合戦に出場した三代目 J Soul Brothersの楽曲「Welcome to TOKYO」にてSAMURIZEのシステム提供及び光の演出をしました


Lighting Choreographer : Minoru Fujimoto
Coordinator : Makiko Nakata
Hardware Designer : Yutaka Yanagisawa
Software Designer : Toshiki Yoshiike
Lighting Effects Designer : Toshiki Yoshiike / Yuji Shirasu